Dr. Candice Staniek uses Frequency Specific Microcurrent therapy to help many conditions.
Dr. Candice Staniek specializes in Naturopathic Medicine for patients in Airdrie looking for an alternative to conventional medicine.


Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)

FSM is a cutting-edge technology that is non-invasive and uses low-level electrical current (aka microcurrent) to provide stimulus for tissue repair.

The FSM treatment program accommodates your specific needs. The right frequencies vary with nearly all tissue types of the body. FSM increases ATP production of cells in the body. ATP is the energy production of each cell and proper functioning of organs and tissues. FSM is suitable for patients who come to Dr. Staniek for the following conditions: stress, adrenal fatigue, anxiety or panic attacks, concussions, sleep issues, and liver toxicity.

Sound Therapy

Chances are that you have not heard of a sound system that is like “EMDR on steroids”, according to the creator. SOLiCE is a proprietary compositional technology which uses ancient sound frequencies to modulate and affect specific living regions of the human body, regions that have been altered through trauma and/or past experiences that affect the physical, emotional and chemical functions of the body. Spending 6-18 minutes per day with SOLiCE has proven to relieve stress, improve meditation, and create a feeling of wellness without the use of harmful chemicals.