Mind and Body Medicine?
We utilize various approaches to address the mind-body connection.These modalities include:
- Family Constellations: this method involves a review a family lineage and history. In reviewing the whole picture, we often discover patterns of disease and emotions. When we connect with these patterns and understand the origin, we're better able to release the past energies that are holding us back.
- Guided Imagery: this method involves dialogue by which you connect with different sensations and feelings in the body to give them a voice. This allows for the release of old energy and space for new energy to enter.
- Counselling: A technique developed by Dr. Valerie Copping is utilized to overcome trauma. We identify an underlying belief and give it attention through identification of the thoughts, feelings, and actions related to the belief. This allows the brain to move beyond the situation.
- Medical Intuition Reading: This is a dynamic reading where Dr. Candice scans the body while assessing for any variances in organ, energy of the body and connection to past events.